A warm welcome to Leia, who joined Bubbles this week. Thank you to all the children for being as kind and friendly as ever and helping her to make new friends.
All the children had the opportunity to make a star this week. They carefully threaded beads onto a wire and showed some super concentration and fine motor skills. We have displayed the stars in the cloakroom for you all to see.
This week we practiced counting and focused on the number 3. The children found and ordered the number in a number line. We also started to solve some simple addition to 3 e.g. 1 + 2 = 3.
The preschool children learnt the letter ‘K’ and found objects that start with that letter.
Jam Jars
We will be starting to make some Christmas crafts next week. Please could you bring a jam jar for your child. It needs to be big enough to hold a tea-light. Thank you.
Christmas Biscuit Baking
In December, we would like to bake some biscuits with the children. If you are available after snack and would like to join in, it would be great to see you. Please let one of the teachers know if you can come.
Wish list!
If anyone has any old plastic plant pots they are not using anymore we can put them to good use. Thank you