This week was Fasching Week! We had lots of fun making ‘rainbow showers’ and blowing up balloons to decorate Kindergarten. On Monday all the children had chance to choose an animal and have their faces painted. They looked fantastic! On Tuesday we had our Fasching Party and the kindergarten was full of dragons and witches! We played lots of games like ‘Room on the Broom’ and ‘Find the cauldron’. All the children made a very colourful and sparkly picture frame, in which we have put a photo of them in their amazing costume. After eating delicious Krapfen, we all joined in the Polynesia around kindergarten.
In morning circle we learnt the letter ‘U’ and found different ways to make 6 e.g. 2+4, 5+1…
Our sports theme in Kindergarten is throwing and catching. We all practiced catching a ball and then throwing a small ball into a target on the floor.
Forest Visit
We will visit the forest at Süd Park. Please send your child with a small snack e.g. brezel/sandwich, vegetables and fruit as their will be no breakfast at kindergarten that morning. Your child will also need a rucksack with water bottle and appropriate clothing and boots. Thank you.
Cooking Week
For the whole week, from 9th March till 13th March, we will prepare lunch with the children. The children will decide next week some (healthy) meals and we will go shopping together for all the ingredients. Our cooking week last year was a huge success and we are looking forward to making some tasty dishes with the children.