Newsletter 19.07.2024

This week was a very busy week with tons of activities, fun and learning. Canela studio art excursion was a huge success, children enjoyed the fun art project based on fish where they got the opportunity to touch, feel and observe the fish scales, took its print on the cloth and also drew the replica with water colours. Children were well behaved, engrossed and enjoyed the activity. Forest morning  was another fun day out looking and observing the different houses and nests of animals and birds. Children took immense interest and were very calm in the nature.

Unfortunately, we have to cancel our much awaited water play due to weather but we all are looking forward to enjoy that on a nice sunny day. Day/date will be soon updated. Thursday after sports we got the opportunity to try a music session and we are looking forward for the kids feedback. On  Friday (tomorrow)we are going to have our yearly big photo session, weather seems good and hoping to enjoy some nice photo shoots. Don’t forget to dress your child nicely 😉

Rest of the whole week we enjoyed free play, table games, celebrated a birthday, played on the playground and practiced our summer fest ceremony.