Newsletter 07.02.2025

This week we have started a new crafting project of creating papier-mâché baskets. The children had fun getting their hands sticky with glue as they laid down the first layers of newspaper on to their balloon forms. We will be continuing this in the weeks to come and look forward to seeing the final products evolve.

In circle times this week we looked at the science of forces with the children. Together we explored the concept of push and pull. The children paired up and exerted push and pull with their hands. This lead to lots of giggles and laughter as children pushed or pulled each other to the ground. 😊 The children also watched a demonstration of push and pull of our toy cars  and they have been experimenting with this concept of applied force for the rest of the week in free play.  

Further topics on our transport theme have been a survey of how the children travel to kindergarten. Do they transport themselves via car or public transport? Or perhaps a bike or scooter? You can view our survey displayed on the playhouse, where the children have noted the first letter of their names. In the end it was human powered transport that won the survey with most children walking to kindergarten! Sustainability for the win 😊😄

The children have recently been keen to play more group games together. Requesting favourites such as “shoe salad” (Google image search not recommended) for our mini circle times. This week we also had fun with the song/game “Pitsch patsch Pinguin”, which has been added to our spotify playlist. Other songs we have been singing this week include “The wheels on the bus” and “Row row row your boat”.