Our theme this week was ‘St. Nikolaus’. In morning circle we shared the story of St Nikolaus and talked about how we can help each other. The children made some beautiful stars, St. Nikolaus pictures and snowmen to decorate Kindergarten.
We practiced counting to 10, ordering numbers and thinking about if a number is more than or less than another number.
The preschoolers found words starting with ‘A’ and practiced writing this letter.
On Thursday the children enjoyed seeing Santa and singing our songs to him at Betten Bähren. They also received a very generous gift each. It was also lovely that some parents were able to join us, thank you!
In January there will be a change to Sports days and times.
Drop off on Thursday will be no later than 8:00am at Bubbles or at Sports hall at 8:20am.
Children will not need snack boxes provided from home for Sports days.
Enjoy your weekend!
The Bubbles Team