This week we began to think about springtime. We talked in morning circle about all the plants we have seen that are starting to grow. Thinking about Easter, we talked about chicks hatching from eggs and learnt a new finger rhyme ’5 Eggs’.
In morning circle we practiced a lot of counting forwards and backwards to ten and recognizing the numerals.
The preschool children learnt the letter ‘Q’ and the new song. They also practiced spotting the difference between letters that can look the same e.g. p and q or b and d.
In music we sang the first couple of verses of ‘April Showers’ and played instruments to accompany the tune.
Deutsches Museum Visit
We are looking forward to our visit. Because we will be eating our lunch a little later after the visit, there will be no lunchtime pick up this day. Thank you for your understanding.
Enjoy your weekend!
The Bubbles Team
Jolly Phonics ‘Q’
5 Eggs
April Showers
April Showers clip from the Disney film Bambi