Newsletter 31.05.19

This week we started to plant some beans. We looked at some runner beans, soya beans and sugar snap peas and talked about what they would need to grow. Then we planted them in a glass jar with the seed pressed against the glass so that can watch them as they grow.


In morning circle, we learnt a new German song ‘Morgens früh um sechs.’ We also looked at the clock and started to tell o’clock times, counting the numbers as the hour-hand travelled around the clock.


The pre-school children have started to make their ‘school cones’, as they begin to think about starting school in September.


Thank you in advance for all the parents who are helping at the fleamarket on Saturday as well as the ‘big clean’ on Sunday. Your help and support, as always, is much appreciated.


Have a lovely weekend.

 he Bubbles Team




Morgens früh um sechs