Newsletter 27.09.2019

This week we continued our Oktoberfest theme. On Monday we went shopping for the ingredients to make Lebkuchen. We carefully measured, mixed and kneaded the ingredients together. Then we rolled out the dough and cut heart shapes. Once they had cooled the children decorated them with their name in the middle and icing around the edges.


On Wednesday, we visited the Olde Wiesn. Some children dressed up in dirndl or lederhosen. Once there we looked at some beautiful old rides and some very old ‘Bulldogs’ (tractors). The children met the Müncher Kindl while they ate a Bretzel and drank some apple juice. To finish the visit the children had a lovely ride on an old carousel.


In Morning Circle, we learnt the letter ‘C’ and found objects starting with that sound. We practiced counting forwards and backwards to 10.


Have a lovely weekend.


        The Bubbles Team




Jolly Phonics – all songs in alphabetical order