This week we started a new theme ‚Spring’, with a focus on plants and planting.
In morning circle, the children sang a song to name the parts of a plant. They also carefully followed instructions to do some paper folding and make a tulip. We looked at some daffodils to talk about the part of a plant and were very excited to see that the buds on the twigs the children brought back from the playground last week have started to grow. We learnt a new song, 'I like the Flowers'.
The children have had the opportunity to plant some seeds. So far we have planted tomatoes, spinach and sugar snap peas. We learnt that seeds need soil, water, warmth and sun to grow. There will be opportunities for more planting next week.
On Friday we met our Sweet-potato Man who has come to live and grow in kindergarten!
The preschool children learnt the letter ‘T’ and practiced our new number ‘7’.