This week we had a very short week, but it was packed full of fun and learning for the children. The children continue to learn each week in morning circle about the days of the week, months of the year and weather. In this way they extend their vocabulary and practice speaking in full sentences. The children also continue to enjoy our song “Deep in the Jungle” which helps to transition the children smoothly to the next experience.
The children have had lots of time enjoying the playground this week and they are enjoying incorporating all the fresh spring greenery into their pretend play, with salads and garlands and decorated sandcastles. It is nice to see that spring has sprung as it adds a freshness and sprig of adventure to our outside time. Inside our room we are additionally enjoying new growth with the development of our seeds into seedlings. The children are delighted to see the small plants shooting up out of the soil they planted them in. At the end of our short week, we planted these in the community garden down the street.