24. February 2025
Transportation topic continued this week in kindergarten and children got the opportunity to travel by bus to forest and Thalkirchen zoo. In Bavaria park, children got the time to have a free play with natural materials and spot some squirrels. In the Zoo, children were excited to see Red Panda, Polar Bear, Penguins and Flamingos. The zoo trip was long but thoroughly enjoyable. Children drew some police cars and revised their English song on Transportation topic. They also comprehend the...
14. February 2025
Die Kinder hatten sehr viel Spass mit Inga in der Musik-Stunde. Am Dienstag ging es am Forrest-Tag wieder in den Bavaria-Park. Den Kindern wurde erklärt, wie man von zu Hause aus Dinge bestellen kann und diese nach Hause geliefert werden. Diese Woche wurden noch viele Bilder zum Thema Transport zuende gestellt. Feuerwehrautos und andere Fahrzeuge. Zur Abwechslung haben die Kinder sich Bilder ausgesucht, die sie gemalt oder gebastelt haben, die nichts mit dem Thema Transport zu tun haben. Z.B....
07. February 2025
This week we have started a new crafting project of creating papier-mâché baskets. The children had fun getting their hands sticky with glue as they laid down the first layers of newspaper on to their balloon forms. We will be continuing this in the weeks to come and look forward to seeing the final products evolve. In circle times this week we looked at the science of forces with the children. Together we explored the concept of push and pull. The children paired up and exerted push and pull...
30. January 2025
This week Children had explored the transport theme in different ways. They shared their experiences about the transport used by them to come to kindergarten in morning. They did the hands on activities like paper folding airplanes, making straw rockets. They also explored the different shapes(circle, square, triangle, rectangle) to craft their favorite vehicles like boat, truck, excavator, rocket and engine. We took road transport “Bus” to visit Deutsches Museum as an excursion and...
24. January 2025
This week we had our first visit to the zoo for the school year. Now the children have their year passes, we can expect to be visiting on a more regular basis to enjoy all the emergent learning opportunities for the children as they are inspired by the animals to be curious learners. This week the children saw the meerkats snuggled up against the morning frost, the giraffes eating their breakfast, the bison wandering their enclosure and the gorillas sitting by the glass intently observing a...
17. January 2025
This week we welcomed a new child to Bubbles Kindergarten. We are excited to start this new journey with him and his parents. This week some of our children did a ski course and we have heard a few of the exciting things they have done. We will hear more news from them when they return next week. For the rest of us we continued our TRANSPOR theme . The children have been talking about all the types of transport we find in Munich. They made their own boats and choose their favourite colour to...
10. January 2025
Wir hatten eine schöne Woche mit den Kindern. Sie haben sich so sehr gefreut ihre Freunde wiederzusehen. Die Kinder hatten bei viel Match und etwas Hochwasser auf dem Schmelli Spielplatz viel zu tun. Es musste viel trockene Wäsche gewechselt werden. In deutsch und englisch wurden die Kinder gefragt, was sie in den Ferien gemacht haben. Und es gab viele Geschichten. Löwen wurden gebastelt. Sie hatten viel Spass beim MTV. Als die Stunde vorbei war und die Kinder halb angezogen waren, gab es...
20. December 2024
A few short lines before the turn of the year: The music teacher sang with the children. We went to the playground every day. The children had a lot of fun watching MTV. We did a lot of crafts last week with fewer staff and fewer children, and this afternoon we'll be making a homemade cookie house. Have a nice time everyone and see you in the new year.
13. December 2024
This week the children were as busy as the elves in Santa’s workshop, crafting and wrapping gifts for our Christmas party on Thursday. The children made decorations for the room and practiced lots of fine motor skill in various crafting activities. On our party, we came together to celebrate the teachers and parents and take a moment to be grateful of the combined efforts that give the children a nurturing and rich learning experience here at Bubbles. Over the last weeks the children have...
28. November 2024
This week we started our new theme CHRISTMAS. The staff and children are getting excited about all the Christmas crafts and activities we are going to do. It is the start of glitter season. This week we took the children to Marien Platz, we saw the very tall and impressive Christmas tree, looked at the display windows at Galeria. It is always a highlight in our calendar to see there new display every Christmas. We enjoyed some ‘kinderpunch’ and candied almonds. The children as always were...