14. June 2024
This week preschool children got another self - resilience lesson from Dagmar and showed more confidence in asking for help, vocal about their boundaries and speaking up for themselves. They are learning group and individual behaviors and how to engage with them. On the other hand younger kids got the opportunity to take U Bahn and enjoyed a nice playground. Tuesday, we took a walk to Isar and discussed about the high rise muddy water which is dangerous for swimming due to floods. During...
07. June 2024
This week the Preschool children started their self-resilience course. Perhaps parents have noticed that the children are more vocal on their boundaries and how they want to be engaging with each other and speaking up for themselves? The course will continue next week as the teacher supports the children to find their voice, to respect themselves and others and to consider how they connect and engaging in groups and individually. While the preschool children learnt these topics, the other...
31. May 2024
Am Montag haben wir mit den Vorschulkindern das Buch „Ginpuin“ gelesen. Alle Pinguine sind auf den ersten Blick gleich. Aber ein Pinguin hat einen Sprachfehler und alle lachen ihn aus. Die Geschichte zeigt, wie sich das Verhalten der Pinguine ändern kann. Am Dienstag nehmen wir die große Tafel zur Hilfe und spielen mit den Kindern „Malen + Raten“. Die Kinder haben sowohl gemalt als auch geraten. Von den Kindern kamen Begriffe wie Fußball, Eltern oder Erzieher, die sie gemalt haben....
24. May 2024
We went to a Park with the bus and did our forest morning at a forest maze. The children made beautiful mosaic pictures using flowers, grass and twigs. They also made snail habitats and found a few snails to lives in them.
Wednesday we spoke about snails in our morning circle time and watched a youtube video explaining the differences between snails and slugs. The children did a craft decorating a snail shell and naming their snail. Thursday we took the U-Bahn to the English Garden.
11. May 2024
What a wonderful week we have had. The middle of the week saw us come together for our Mother’s and Father’s day breakfast. We had a veritable feast before us and I heard many children exclaim how excited they were for the food. We had the special opportunity for parents to look through the children’s photo portfolio’s from their time at Bubbles so far this year. These folders will stay with the children for the duration of their time at kindergarten and so each year they will grow with more and
03. May 2024
Am Montag waren wir mit den Kindern in der Bücherei. Hier wurde folgendes Buch vorgelesen: „Hase Hibiskus und der Möhrenklau“. Die Kinder hatten viel Spaß bei dem Detektivspiel, wer wohl hinter dem Möhrenklau gesteckt hat.
Am Dienstag ging es schon sehr früh in Richtung Wiesen. Die Kinder haben die Aufgabe bekommen mit den Farben, die in Blumen stecken ein Bild zu malen. Es hat den Kindern viel Spaß gemacht auf dem Skater-Bereich zu klettern und zu balancieren. Mittags ging es dann noch auf
01. March 2024
This week we continued with our theme “habitats”. In circle time we spoke about where we live. We learnt the difference between living in the city and the countryside. The children were happy to share about the place they lived and if the lived in a flat or a house. The children were give the opportunity to draw where they live and learn their address. Later on the week the children were able to watch a video about different animal habitats. As an activity they were able to match the animal...
23. February 2024
This week started with theme “habitats” and children got the opportunity to craft their own aquariums. They understand that water is the home for aquatic animals. They enjoyed paper folding, cutting, gluing and painting while doing the project. Gluing shells on the art project was the thing children enjoyed the most. On forest day children got the chance to understand and observe different birds and their habits with our wilderness educator. They were cheerful on spotting the birds and...
09. February 2024
Am Montag haben wir darüber abgestimmt, welche Tiere die Kinder bei unserem Zoobesuch gerne sehen würden und wir haben auch über die Mittagsmenü für die nächsten zwei Wochen abgestimmt. Am Dienstag, auf dem Weg zum Wald, beschlossen wir, unseren Morgenkreis in der Sonne zu machen und auch ein Spiel namens „Höhle der Löwen“ zu spielen. Anschließend hatten die Kinder freie Zeit zum Spielen. Am Mittwoch hatten wir die spannendste Zeit der Woche, die Kinder waren so aufgeregt, um in...
26. January 2024
This week we continued our animal theme. We spoke about pets and how to care for them. The children were given the opportunity to choose from a variety of animals which would make a good pet. The choices some of them made were extremely interesting. Their choices included sharks, giraffes, monkeys, pigs and sheep.We met our wilderness educator at the forest for another great forest day. On Wednesday we did a relay race at the park. The children had to mimic the movements and sounds of the...